Test Bank for Hospitality Law 5th Edition Barth

Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1119305047
- ISBN-13 : 978-1119305040
- Author: Stephen C. Barth, Diana S. Barber
Hospitality Law: Managing Legal Issues in the Hospitality Industry, Fifth Edition takes an applied approach to the study of hospitality law with its touchstone of compliance and prevention. The book is highly pedagogical and includes many interactive exercises and real world cases that help students focus on the practical application of hospitality laws and model their decision process to avoid liability. As a result, this book does look different than others on the market as the legal information contained is carefully selected to specifically correlate with helping students understand how to do the right thing, i.e., it is not a comprehensive book on the laws.
Barth immediately helps readers learn about the legalities of situations and work through exercises – both individually and in groups — to effectively apply them to hospitality management situations. Many instructors teach their course from a very applied perspective, which aligns with Barth’s approach.
Table contents:
1 Prevention Philosophy 1
1.1 The Future Hospitality Manager And The Legal Environment 1
1.2 The Hospitality Manager and Legal Management 2
Legally Managing at Work: Applying the STEM Process in Hospitality Management 5
1.3 Ethics and the Law 6
International Snapshot: Mitigating Risks Associated with Legal and Ethical Compliance in International Business Transactions 12
What Would You Do? 13
What Did You Learn in This Chapter? 13
2 Government Agencies That Impact the Hospitality Industry 15
2.1 Federal Regulatory and Administrative Agencies 15
2.2 State Regulatory and Administrative Agencies 29
2.3 Local Regulatory and Administrative Agencies 33
2.4 Regulatory Interaction and Oversight Impacting Travel and Tourism 35
2.5 Managing Conflicting Regulations 40
Legally Managing at Work: Recommended Steps for Responding to Inquiries and Complaints by Government Agencies 40
2.6 Responding to an Inquiry 41
2.7 Monitoring Regulatory Change 42
International Snapshot: Immigration 42
What Would You Do? 43
What Did You Learn in This Chapter 44
3 Hospitality Business Structures 45
3.1 The Importance of Business Structure 45
3.2 Common Hospitality Organizational Structures 46
3.3 Common Hospitality Operating Structures 51
3.4 The Agency Relationship 55
International Snapshot: A Comparative Overview of Business Entities in the Hotel Industry 58
What Would You Do? 58
What Did You Learn in This Chapter? 58
4 Contract Basics 59
4.1 Introduction to Contracts 59
4.2 Components of an Enforceable Contract 61
4.3 The Uniform Commercial Code 64
4.4 Preventative Legal Management and Contracts 65
Legally Managing at Work: Eight Steps to Follow When Entering into Contracts 67
Legally Managing at Work: Reducing No-Show Reservations 70
International Snapshot: International Contracts 71
What Would You Do? 72
What Did You Learn In This Chapter? 72
5 Significant Hospitality Contracts 73
5.1 Specific Contract Clauses 73
5.2 Franchise Contracts 80
5.3 Management Contracts 84
5.4 Conference Services Contracts 87
International Snapshot: A Comparison of Franchise Disclosure Requirements under U.S. Law and International Law 93
What Would You Do? 94
What Did You Learn In This Chapter? 94
6 Legally Managing Property 95
6.1 Introduction to Property 95
6.2 Purchasing Property 97
6.3 Financing the Purchase of Property 102
6.4 Leasing Property 105
Legally Managing at Work: Legal Considerations of Buying versus Leasing 109
6.5 Respecting Intellectual Property Rights 110
International Snapshot: U.S. Hotel Companies’ Options for Seeking Trademark Protection Abroad 114
What Would You Do? 115
What Did You Learn in This Chapter? 115
7 Legally Selecting Employees 117
7.1 Employee Selection 117
7.2 Discrimination in the Selection Process 126
Legally Managing at Work: Accommodating Disabled Employees 128
7.3 Verification of Eligibility to Work 129
7.4 The Employment Relationship 134
International Snapshot: Canadian Employment Laws 137
What Would You Do? 138
What Did You Learn in This Chapter? 138
8 Legally Managing Employees 139
8.1 Employment Relationships 139
8.2 Workplace Discrimination and Sexual Harassment 141
8.3 Family and Medical Leave Act 148
8.4 Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act 149
8.5 Compensation 149
Legally Managing at Work: Calculating Overtime Pay for Tipped Employees 154
8.6 The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 156
8.7 Managing Employee Performance 157
Legally Managing at Work: Guidelines for Conducting Defensible Employee Terminations 160
8.8 Unemployment Claims 161
8.9 Employment Records and Retention 164
8.10 Employment Posting 166
8.11 Workplace Surveillance 166
International Snapshot: Managing Employees Abroad 168
What Would You Do? 169
What Did You Learn in This Chapter? 169
9 Your Responsibilities as a Hospitality Operator 171
9.1 Duties and Obligations of a Hospitality Operator 171
9.2 Theories of Liability 172
9.3 Legal Damages 176
9.4 Anatomy of a Personal Injury Lawsuit 176
Legally Managing at Work: The Manager’s Role in Litigation 180
9.5 Responding to an Incident 180
Legally Managing at Work: Responding to an Accident 181
International Snapshot: Negligence 184
What Would You Do? 184
What Did You Learn in This Chapter? 185
10 Your Responsibilities as a Hospitality Operator to Guests 187
10.1 Accommodating Guests 187
10.2 Guest Privacy 191
Legally Managing at Work: Law Enforcement and Guest Privacy 192
10.3 Facility Maintenance 193
Legally Managing at Work: Five Steps to Facility Evaluation 196
10.4 Responsibilities to Nonguests 197
10.5 Removal of Guests 198
Legally Managing at Work: Responding to Guest Health Emergencies 200
International Snapshot: Should Foreign Governments Adopt Provisions from the USA PATRIOT Act to Combat Terrorist Acts against the Hospitality Industry? 200
What Would You Do? 201
What Did You Learn in This Chapter? 201
11 Your Responsibilities for Guests’ Property 203
11.1 Liability For Guests’ Property 203
11.2 Bailments 205
11.3 Property with Unknown Ownership 209
Legally Managing at Work: Disposing of Found Property 211
International Snapshot: Limited Liability of Innkeepers in Canada 211
What Would You Do? 212
What Did You Learn in This Chapter? 212
12 Your Responsibilities When Serving Food and Beverages 213
12.1 Serving Food 213
Legally Managing at Work: Steps to Take When a Guest Complains of Foodborne Illness 215
12.2 Truth-in-Menu Laws 216
12.3 Serving Alcohol 221
International Snapshot: Understanding Barriers to Entry and Regulatory Requirements for Foreign Producers of Alcohol Seeking to Import to the United States 228
What Did You Learn in This Chapter? 229
13 Legal Characteristics of Travel and Tourism 231
13.1 Travel 231
13.2 Travel Agents and Tour Operators 235
13.3 Transportation and Common Carriers 240
13.4 Tourism 246
13.5 Online Travel Sales 251
Legally Managing at Work: Internet Advertising Checklist 255
International Snapshot: Government Support of Tourism 255
What Would You Do? 256
What Did You Learn in This Chapter? 257
14 Safety and Security Issues 259
14.1 The Importance of a Protected Environment 259
14.2 Safety and Security Programs: Four-Step Safety and Security Management Method 262
Legally Managing at Work: Establishing an Effective Guestroom Lock Policy 266
14.3 Crimes against Hospitality Businesses 268
Legally Managing at Work: Procedures to Reduce the Incidence of Skipping 269
Legally Managing at Work: Guidelines for Handling Credit Cards 270
Legally Managing at Work: Personal Check Verification 271
14.4 Human Trafficking 273
14.5 Crisis Management Programs 274
Legally Managing at Work: The Manager’s Responsibilities in a Crisis 277
Legally Managing at Work: Guest Relations in a Crisis Situation 278
Legally Managing at Work: Guidelines for Dealing with the Media during a Crisis 279
International Snapshot: Legal Claims and Recovery for Injury under Mexican Law 282
What Would You Do? 282
What Did You Learn in This Chapter? 282
15 Managing Insurance 283
15.1 Introduction to Insurance 283
15.2 Types of Coverage 285
15.3 Selecting an Insurance Carrier 289
15.4 Selecting the Insurance Policy 289
15.5 Policy Analysis 290
International Snapshot: Hotels Operating Internationally Need to Think Globally 292
What Would You Do? 293
What Did You Learn in This Chapter? 294
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