This is completed downloadable of Test Bank for Respiratory Care Anatomy and Physiology, 3rd Edition : Beachey
Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 0323078664
- ISBN-13 : 978-0323078665
- Author:
Perfect for both practicing therapists and students in respiratory therapy and associated professions, this well-organized text offers the most clinically relevant and up-to-date information on respiratory applied anatomy and physiology. Content spans the areas of basic anatomy and physiology of the pulmonary, cardiovascular, and renal systems, and details the physiological principles underlying common therapeutic, diagnostic, and monitoring therapies and procedures. Using a clear and easy-to-understand format, this text helps you take a more clinical perspective and learn to think more critically about the subject matter.
- Open-ended concept questions require reasoned responses based on thorough comprehension of the text, fostering critical thinking and discussion.
- NEW! Reorganization of content places the section on the renal system before the section on integrated responses in exercise and aging to create a more logical flow of content.
- NEW! Chapter on the physiological basis for treating sleep-disordered breathing clarifies the physiological mechanisms of sleep-disordered breathing and the various techniques required to treat this type of disorder.Clinical Focus boxes throughout the text place key subject matter in a clinical context to connect theory with practice.
- Chapter outlines, chapter objectives, key terms, and a bulleted chapter summary highlight important concepts and make content more accessible.
- Appendixes contain helpful tables and definitions of terms and symbols.
- NEW! Chapter on the physiological basis for treating sleep-disordered breathing clarifies the physiological mechanisms of sleep-disordered breathing and the various techniques required to treat this type of disorder.Clinical Focus boxes throughout the text place key subject matter in a clinical context to connect theory with practice.
- NEW! More Clinical Focus scenarios and concept questions provide additional opportunities to build upon content previously learned and to apply new information in the text.
- NEW! Reorganization of content places the section on the renal system before the section on integrated responses in exercise and aging to create a more logical flow of content.
Table of Content:
Section I. The Respiratory System
1. The Airways and Alveoli
2. The Lungs and Chest Wall
3. Mechanics of Ventilation
4. Ventilation
5. Pulmonary Function Measurements
6. Pulmonary Blood Flow
7. Gas Diffusion
8. Oxygen Equilibrium and Transport
9. Carbon Dioxide Equilibrium and Transport
10. Acid-Base Regulation
11. Control of Ventilation
12. Ventilation-Perfusion Relationships
13. Clinical Assessment of Acid-Base and Oxygenation Status
14. Physiological Basis for Advanced Oxygenation and Lung Protective Strategies
15. NEW! Physiological Basis for Treating Sleep-Disordered Breathing
16. Fetal and Newborn Cardiopulmonary Physiology
Section II: The Cardiovascular System
17. Functional Anatomy of the Cardiovascular System
18. Cardiac Electrophysiology
19. The Electrocardiogram and Cardiac Arrhythmias
20. Control of Cardiac Output and Hemodynamics
Section III: The Renal System
21. Filtration, Urine Formation, and Fluid Regulation
22. Electrolyte and Acid-Base Regulation
Section IV: Integrated Responses in Exercise and Aging
23. Cardiopulmonary Response to Exercise in Health and Disease
24. Effects of Aging on the Cardiopulmonary System
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